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Michael Ditavi

First Name : Michael
Last Name : Ditavi
Gender : Male
Age: 55
Occupation: Loser
City : Orlando
Country : US

This loser is a disgusting sex
Addict online. He gets with diff women and tries to use and manipulate people and
Put them down. He\'s desperate for sex but when he gets a chance with you he will put u down for not doing sex acts to him. He\'s a hypocrite ugly old pathetic. He thinks he\'s hot stuff when he\'s a creepy ugly old man. I regret letting him touch me. He said we\'d go out and he just comes over to use women for sexual things and puts them down. A real sicko and pervert. He\'s nice to women and they dump him then he takes it out on
Good women. Total loser and piece of shlt beware. He is one of those slimeballs who just tries to use people and women and doesn't care abt anyone except his
Ugly loser self. He's gross and disgusting too

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11/28/14 12:48PM - whisperer - Don't be shy .. edit this and post his last name. You can also post a comment to or create your own profile about him on that site, possibly with a photo of him AND his last name.
12/15/14 03:34AM - Revealed - NOTICE: Whisperer the person egging the poster on is a severely mentally deranged woman named Gail Baer of Alexandria, Virginia [For ID she is a: former jazz vocalist; author of Bandleader's Bride: A Crime Survivor's Memoir – never published; and failed litigant against the US Navy - No. 08-7411/Docket 08A643].

Gail Baer a ~60 year old woman who lives off of federal disability benefits and spends her +entire days+ trolling the internet writing insane lies about the poor man in this posting, and creating endless profiles on unknown men on the internet. She was responsible for 75% of the postings on DDHG before it shut down and is responsible for over 85% of the profiles on this site. She has been doing this by her own admission for over 10 years and she will never stop stalking you. If you want this to stop, you must contact your attorney and bring an action against her for defamation as well as an injunction and restraining order. We have been dealing with her harassment since 2012 and are just one of literally 1000’s of her victims.
12/16/14 01:14AM - - Gail Baer (+/- 60 year old female resident of of Alexandria, VA; adopted daughter of Carl R. Ferderer and siser of Carl Ferderer, Jr. and Lance Ferderer) put Michael Ditavi up on this site yet has never met the man personally. Gail Baer also created a profile on womansavers; and then sent out a chain email to over 1,000 people with this defamatory and maliciously engineered nonsense.

Gail Baer has adopted over 20 handles on this site where she can be seen creating the comments like above either adding address and age information on the victimized party (which she put up - insane - I know) or tellu\ing others to spread the libelous post further; and then a link to another website profile that she also created.

Once you get on Gail Baer's list you WILL NEVER GET OFF OF IT. She will post profiles she has made of you on every available hate site on the net and add you to an email chain list that she has been sending around the world for over 10 years.

She is unemployed with a lifestyle subsized by disability payments. The end results is she has at least 12 hours a day to stalk her favorite victim Everett Raymond Brown Jr. and all his poor relatives, and stalk, defame, incite other's to do so (at their legal peril) and rinse repeat.

If you have ever had the liberty to read some of the passages of her book, Bandleader's Bride: A Crime Survivor's Memoir, formerly available on the net before she complained it was a DMVA violation of her rights and made google take it down (imagine that - she has rights. what about michael ditavi), you would know just how mentally sick and visciously dranged against all of mankind Gail Baer is.

If you are one of the many men (numbering in the 10,000's as she has been at this since 2000 or so) put up DontDateHimGirl, Dating Psychos and countless others OR your friends/family/coworkers (she culls them off of your myspace, linkedin, facebook) have recieved one of her infamous email chain letters of defamation contact an attorney immediately and have action taken. At this point given the chronicty, depth and breadth of her widespread stalking, she should fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI. Act now or you will be sorry later when your family, friends or coworkers is sent one of her emails with the type of defamatory information create about this victim above.

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